Non-fiction annotation
Author: Debbie Nathan Title: Sybli Exposed: The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Disorder Genre : Non-fiction Publication Date: 2011 Number of Pages : 297 Geographic Setting: New York Time Period: 1950's Series : N/A Plot Summary: Research is done to uncover the facts of Shirley Mason (Sybil) and her multiple personalities. John Jay College had an archive of Flora Shreiber's papers (the author of the book Sybil). Nathan reviews those and then tracked down friends and relatives of Sybil, her psychiatrist, and the author of Sybil. Between multiple interviews, photos, records, tapes and diaries, Nathan discovers that the story is false. Sybil's psychiatrist "made extravagant, sadistic use of habit forming, mind bending drugs." According to the records, she used everything from psychedelics to Pentothal, even electroshock therapy to induce the personalities. Subject headings : Multiple Personality Disorder, Adventist...