Science Fiction Annotation
Science Fiction: Author: Ray Bradbury Title: Fahrenheit 451 Genre: Science Fiction Publication Date: 1951 Number of Pages 190 Geographical Setting: Un-named Midwestern city, near Chicago Time Period: After 2022, after two atomic wars Series: N/A Plot Summary: Montag, a fireman, meets a young girl who is carefree and cheery, something uncommon in that time. She asks a lot of questions, making him contemplate his life. He realizes that he is not happy, his wife is not happy (proven by an attempted overdose), and that he is unsure about his future. He begins to question what he does and why it is wrong to read. Subject Heading: Fireman, Betrayal, Determination Appeal: Mood, Characters, and Ideas Mood: We have all had moments of self doubt and wish for moments of clarity. Montag's self analysis makes the reader empathize with him. He emits a desperation that draws us in, silently encouraging him. Characters: A good story...