Shelving Locations

 Street lit/urban fiction and LGBTQ books should be integrated with the rest of the collection for three reasons: inclusion, privacy, and general interest. 

An LGBTQ supporter once stated that they all just want to feel included and accepted. By integrating the books, the libraries are adhering to that request! Having a separate section would subconsciously send the message that they are different. 

Integrating the books give the patrons anonymity and a sense of privacy. If they want to peruse a specific book, they are not standing under a large sign broadcast what they are reading. Having them in the regular shelves alleviates any concerns about being seen or judged. 

From what I understand, Street lit/Urban Fiction, is mostly written by and for people of color and tells of different aspects of city life. African Americans are not the only ones to appreciate the difficulty of growing up poor and living with drug addicted friends and family. Their books are of interest to everybody. They should not be shelved separately just because the author is black. 


  1. I totally agree with you Savannah! With the push for inclusivity in library collections, I find that separating Urban and LGBTQ Ficiton titles from the general fiction collection makes zero sense.

  2. I like your points. Inclusion because there's a negative connotation to singling these collections out, privacy for sure, and general interest. I also see that as discovery because I've found great things just being in a section and flipping through the books.


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